Prof. Aurélien Marabelle is a physician-scientist with expertise in oncology (MD) and immunology (PhD). His clinical practice is dedicated to early phase clinical trials of cancer immunotherapies within the Drug Development Department (DITEP) of Gustave Roussy Cancer Center in France. He leads a translational research laboratory (LRTI) within the INSERM U1015 with a focus on mechanisms of action of immune targeted therapies. He is also the director of the Clinical Investigation Center BIOTHERIS dedicated to intratumoral immunotherapies (INSERM CIC1428). He is a full professor of Clinical Immunology at the University of Paris Saclay. Dr Marabelle was initially trained as a scientist in the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and King’s College London and as a clinician at the Léon Bérard Cancer Center in Lyon, France. He did his post-doctoral research fellowship in the laboratory of Prof Ronald Levy at Stanford University, CA on strategies to overcome the resistance to immune checkpoint targeted therapies. Dr Marabelle is an active member of ESMO, ASCO, AACR, SITC, EATI and is the current vice-president of the French Society for Cancer Immunotherapies (FITC). He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed publications and has a H-index of 60.